Archive of Past Events
This page links to videos and slides of talks given at events organized by the Collaboration.
- Conference on Mirror symmetry, Miami, January 2019: schedule, videos
- Fukaya categories: skeleta and coefficients, IHES, July 2018: schedule, videos
- Mirror symmetry and Enumerative Geometry, Berkeley, March 2018: schedule, videos
- Conference on Mirror symmetry, Miami, January 2018: schedule, videos
- Workshop on HMS and higher genus invariants, Stony Brook, May 2017: schedule, videos
- Workshop on HMS, Miami, January 2017: schedule, slides, videos
- Mini-workshop on SYZ, Harvard, December 2016: schedule (click on titles for videos)
- Workshop on SYZ Mirror Symmetry, Harvard, May 2016: schedule, videos (no sound)
- Mirror Symmetry and Wall-Crossing, Berkeley, March 2016: schedule, slides, videos
- Geometry and Physics, Miami, January 2016: schedule, slides, videos
- Inaugural Conference, U. Penn., November 2015: schedule, slides, videos